New Mats!

2022 has kicked off with a bang!

This week we were lucky enough to receive our new mats. We assembled a team and installed them over the weekend. Battalion now has a huge 105 square meters of mat space surrounded by super comfy wall pads! We are so proud to deliver a super safe and hygienic training space for our students.

This would not have been possible without some amazing organizations that support us. We have to give a MASSIVE thank you to New Zealand Community Trust, Toi Foundation and Silk Audit Chartered Accountants who all donated towards our new mats.

Secondly we want to thank Sheryl and Peter at for supplying such an amazing product. Their communication and quality has truly been amazing.

Lastly we have to thank our students and parents for the continued support. You guys are the best!

2022 is going to be a great year!